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Request extension email templates you can copy / paste

We have a total of 2 email templates for Request extension ready to be used... choose a tone from the list below and send it with your email client of choice. Pro tip... Mailbird is a great choice.

When to use Request extension email templates?

Request extension are great to use anytme.

Request extension email template in casual speaking tone

The template with a casual tone for requesting an extension via email would include a friendly and informal approach to convey the need for additional time. It would focus on building a rapport with the recipient, using relaxed language and a conversational style to make the request without sounding overly formal or demanding.

Subject Line: Deadline extension request for [COURSE NAME] [NAME]



I was hoping to ask for an extension from [ORIGINAL DUE DATE] to [PROPOSED EXTENSION] for our assignment: [ASSIGNMENT].

Unfortunately my schedule hasn't afforded me as much time as I'd hoped to have to get it done.

I would be so appreciative for the chance to really dig into [TOPIC].

I'm happy to discuss the extension during your office hours if you'd like.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your response.


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Request extension email template in formal speaking tone

A formal email template for requesting an extension will provide a professional structure and language suitable for formal communication. It will include a polite and concise message seeking an extension for a specific task or deadline and may include a valid reason for the request. The tone will maintain a level of respect and professionalism throughout the email.

Subject Line: Deadline extension request for [COURSE NAME] [NAME]


My name is [NAME] and I am taking your [COURSE NAME AND LEVEL] on [DAY OF THE WEEK].

I'm writing to request an extension from [ORIGINAL DUE DATE] to [PROPOSED EXTENSION] for our assignment: [ASSIGNMENT].

Unfortunately my schedule hasn't afforded me as much time as I'd hoped to have for this assignment.

I would be so appreciative for the opportunity to really dig into [TOPIC].

I'm happy to discuss the extension during your office hours if you'd like to speak about this further.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your response.


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